About is similar to a strategy game. You have a snake in the battle arenas where you need to stay alive. The aim of the game is that finish the game and eliminate other players with smart tactics. If you finish the game successfully, you can get coins and scores. In addition, you can get tons of powerups with achievements. Therefore, you can eliminate other players readily. There are 3 types of arenas in the game which are knockout, arena 2, and arena 3. The knockout is a free game and you can play when you want to play. However, you need to have some requirements which are a certain amount of coins or diamonds if you want to play arena 2 or 3. The game offers a chatting system to people that you can use by pressing enter.

How to Play

The keyboard keys of the game are left and right arrows but you should not think this game is easy. You need to consider subtle when you are playing in the arenas. Strategy

You have to complete all the missions to have the best score in the game. It is very important to develop a good strategy as you will be fighting with many players at the same time. Many players aim to be #1 and have a status of respect in the game.

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