About is one of the new generation survival-themed games. This game has become very popular because it has high-quality graphics and simple gameplay. You only need to specify a user name to play the game. Then, you are directed to the game start room for matching. Players are gathered in the matching room similar to PUBG. When a sufficient number of players gather, the game begins.

How to Play

Game controls are quite simple because the game can be played by people of all ages.

  • E and F keys are opening the crates and picking up the weapon from the ground.
  • Left-click is firing weapons or picking up the resources with the stick.
  • Right-clicking allows targeting or changing weapons.
  • The Q key turns on or off the building mode to create walls and similar structures.
  • The SPACE key allows you to jump over walls or similar obstacles.
  • The SHIFT key lets you run so you can move faster.
  • You can reload your weapon’s ammunition with the R key.
  • With TAB, you can view and manage your inventory easily.
  • With the M key, you can open the big map and observe your location or red shrinkage area. Strategy

When you start the game, you can look at our location in detail from the map which is in the upper right corner. You can track your players’ health and shield level in the bottom left corner. Continuously controlling your life level gives you a stronger advantage over enemies. You should use health drinks or bandages when your level falls.

When you start the game you can see the weapons you have in the lower right corner. In this section, you can see how many bullets they throw and how many rounds you have left. You can also see the amount of wood, brick, and iron in the inventory section. You must cut trees to increase your wood count. In order to increase the number of stones, you must dig and break the rocks.

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